Before the pandemic, there’s a good chance that you didn’t know what Zoom was or that it even existed.
This cloud-based video conferencing service has become incredibly popular over the last couple of years. Because it provides people in various locations with a method to connect through a video and voice chat, it’s used by businesses and individuals alike.
With many people working from home and social distancing from their loved ones, Zoom helped fill the much-needed gap.
Are you looking to expand your stock portfolio and are wondering if Zoom stock might be a wise option? Here are some facts about Zoom that you’ll want to know before investing.
What is Zoom?
Zoom is currently one of the most popular video conferencing programs available to place phone calls or host video meetings online. It’s free to use through the app or by logging onto the Zoom website.
People can use Zoom conference rooms for a variety of things. Businesses use it to host meetings, run training workshops, and hold video job interviews. Teachers use it to run their classes. It has even proven to be helpful for family gatherings.
Setting up a meeting is simple, and it’s even simpler to join one already in progress. You click on the link sent to you, and you’ll be able to join the call. You can choose to turn off your video or audio at any point.
Ultimately, it’s a straightforward platform that came to the rescue when we needed a method of safely connecting.
Zoom Stock Performance
Created in 2011, by the end of 2013, Zoom had one million users and a value of approximately one billion. By early 2020, the platform hosted more than 300 million users per day.
Zoom is entirely free of charge when used in its most basic format. It makes money off paid subscription plans and optional add-ons where users can unlock different features. The different tiers allow you to host more people at your event, have longer calls, and include cloud recording storage space, transcripts, and streaming options.
When they first released Zoom stock onto the Nasdaq stock exchange in 2019, it had minimal interest compared to today. Since 2020, Zoom stock has slightly decreased in value, though it is still performing well. As with many different stocks, there has been some ebb and flow through the past couple of years. The most significant return on investment occurred in 2020 after the pandemic began.
Impact of the Pandemic & Working from Home
Before the pandemic, many companies utilized work-from-home policies, but they weren’t as common as they are now. Many companies find that productivity levels and employee happiness have gone up when you remove commute time and distractions that commonly occur in the office.
Zoom has been an integral part of working from home successfully. While other platforms were available for conferencing, Zoom proved to be the most successful.
Zoom’s Competition
Currently, Zoom has several competitors that businesses use for their conferencing needs. This includes companies like:
- WebEx
- MicrosoftTeams
- RingCentral
- Skype
- Vonage
Now that there is a shift to a more work-from-anywhere friendly atmosphere at many companies, these businesses are beginning to look into other options that may provide them with specific features that they would like to use.
Is It Too Late to Buy Zoom Stock?
If you were lucky, you gobbled up some Zoom stock early on in the pandemic when you noticed that it was quickly becoming a necessity. If you had invested in Zoom stock at $62.00 back in 2020, your return on investment over the last two years would have been 221.65%. This is an annualized return of 79.34% (not including dividends or reinvestments). The pandemic isn’t over, so we may see further shifts in Zoom’s popularity. Zoom stock is decreasing a bit as some people can head back to the office.
As with most stock options, you sometimes have to take a chance when selecting your stocks. Zoom’s stock performance has always been relatively impressive, even before it had a significant spike in value. Recently, numbers have been -55.86% from its 52-week high and 14.18% from its 52-week low.
You can view current Zoom stock data if you’re interested in learning more.
What is Zoom’s Potential Beyond the Pandemic?
Zoom is an excellent success story, but does it have any value beyond the pandemic years?
It’s doubtful that people will completely abandon it. Users may, however, find new ways to utilize Zoom as time goes on.
Zoom has the potential to remain successful if they evolve their business model. We’re seeing this company expand its portfolio, proving that they are looking at the potential of their platform.
For example, they currently offer Zoom Phone, a cloud-based phone solution for businesses of all sizes. It’s straightforward to use on various devices such as your desktop computer, desk phone, or mobile device. They also offer video webinars, which can be broadcast to as many as 50,000 view-only attendees.
Should I Invest in Zoom Stock?
Zoom is just one of the internet conferencing tools available now, but it grew quickly. This is primarily because it was free, so people could try it out without weighing the pros and cons of a subscription. This also made it possible for many people to join a call without doing much more than entering their email addresses.
While many of us didn’t know about Zoom a few years ago, getting invited to a Zoom meeting at some point during 2020 opened up a whole new world of communication for us.
If you consider the reliability of Zoom even at its peak performance, this is a stock choice you should strongly look at investing in.
This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.
Featured Image Credit: Pexels.